


digiskills hands-on exercise no 1 solution | Batch-10 | Freelancing

Hands-on Exercise No. 1

Batch- 10


Solution | By Edumistic

digiskills hands-on exercise no.1 solution | Batch-10 | Freelancing

digiskills hands-on exercise no.1 solution | Batch-10 | Freelancing

Hands-on Exercise No. 1

Batch- 10 Freelancing

Total Marks: 10

Due Date: 01/07/2021

BY Muzammal Rana


Tasks: Read the Terms of Service of Fiverr carefully (Link is given in the Guidelines) and answer the following questions:


1.     What is the minimum age limit for a seller?

·         This Site is offered and available to users who are 13 years of age or older.


2.     How many Gigs you can create as a new seller?

·         7 Gigs you can create as a new seller.



3.     Is it allowed to create multiple profiles on Fiverr.com?

·         We are not allowed to create multiple accounts on fiverr according to fiverr terms and Services. One Person can create only one account.


4.     Can we share contact details such as Skype, Email, and Phone Number, etc. on Fiverr?

·         According to fiverr Policy we are not allowed to Share any kind of personal contact details with  buyers.


5.     What is the Minimum Withdrawal limit by using Payoneer Bank Transfer Method?

·         $20 is the Minimum Withdrawal limit by using Payoneer Bank Transfer Method.

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Thankyou & Best of Luck

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